Monday, November 2, 2009

Working on Life

Ok so I have been very very very bad at writting on our blog and keeping everbody updated....ssssooooo here we go.....Ciera moved back to Las Vegas for a short period of time and allthough she loved it there she took a turn in her life that brought her back home to the arms of Mom....Yes, everything is ok. Hailee is doing great and has SAS like you wouldnt believe. it's actually quite funny if you ask me, she like Andrew right now a boy in her class that if you ask her is the cutest guy in the world, she wants to wear high heels and make up....yes, we are watching her close as far as school though she is hitting the books and doing a wonderful job...A's and B's....and missing Las Vegas. Connery is doing great with school and loving our house that we are renting its on 1 acre and has forts, woods and rivers everywhere...a boys true dream, Connery is like a little man always taking care of mom and always watching out for his family. Hunter is feeling a bit blue lately but hangin in there he has been a bit under the weather....he loves his legos and loves school. He is happy about being in school all day instead of just half days. Then theres mont and I we are doing much better and want to thank all our friends and family for all your support and kindness we are so grateful for all of you...Well I promise I am going to try to get better at this and do more but for now, We are the HARDCASTLES and our lives will always be an adventure.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Time goes by....

This has been a tough month for me....for those that don't know Ciera moved back to Las Vegas to continue her schooling and enter into the Army.....OK, when your baby informs you that not only is she going to change her address, open her wings and fly but she is also going to go change her dream of flying in the Air Force and become an MP (Military Police) in the Army. Oh yeah I cried for a few days and then realized that time goes by so was just yesterday that my little angel was looking up at me in the University of Utah Hospital with these amazing blue eyes.......laughing and giggling each time she would push her little legs across the floor and slide in her walker....she was asking me to hold her hand to go to kindergarten.....helping me with her little sister Hailee when I couldn't sleep ( that was not fun HEHE).....its goes on forever and ever and then you start to ask yourself if you were a good enough parent to her.....did you raise her to the best of your ability and did you ever and I mean ever say I LOVE YOU enough. Well, I think I did OK. I went to see my mom today and she had the answer for me and well, Ciera...................................................................................I LOVE YOU, SUGAR.

Friday, August 14, 2009

New Life in Utah

WOW!!! What a crazy few years and now...........were back, happy and doing great. We have been so happy here and love being back. Its green and beautiful and full of things to do. We have fishing every weekend, seeing family, and hanging out with friends. We love you all and miss you all in Vegas but, dont miss the heat.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Your gonna miss this.

Dear Mom,

You have done a great job and I will always be your baby girl. I have never told you thank you for being my mom, you could have left me like many other moms have done with their kids. But you loved me enough to keep me and make it work with you and me. I wish I could thank you enough.
We have had some good times and you have watched me grow and time has flown by for you and me. Mostly you but for me it has dragged just a little bit. Before you knew it I was 18 and getting ready to leave, but inbetween that time we have had good times and we have had bad times. It has been a long road and it is starting to come to a fork in the road. One comes to an end and the other road is just begining. I love you and I really apprciate everything that you have done for me and I will never forget what you have done for me. You have gone up to bat for me, and you have knocked me into my place when I was out of line, you gave me a shoulder to cry on and you held me close and just listened when I needed it most.

I love you and dont ever worrie I am always going to be a phone call away when I leave and you never have to worrie about me not being around. Thats why we have skype right...and instant messaging, and blogger. We have made many many memories and have many more. I love and the most I can think to say is thank you and I love you.

Sometimes it sucks having a computer smart daughter. Means I can get onto your blogger. But I love you and I will keep in touch. "Your gonna miss this, your gonna want this back."

"Tell my baby sister I will see her in the fall and tell grandma I miss her, yea I should give her a call, and make sure you tell daddy that I am still his baby girl. Yea I still feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be, don't forget to remember me."


Love, your daughter Ciera

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Take a moment and Remember!!

I just wanted to take a moment and share my love for our Heavenly Father and remember the love he has for us and for our family. We seem to get so wrapped up in life that we forget what he has done for us and how much we owe him. We are not perfect by any means and we certainly are not asked to be. I am so grateful for what I have left in my life right now. We have climbed a few mountains and scaled a few walls for our marriage and for our kids but through it all we have always had our Lord by our sides and each and every time I knew as Mont knows that he has been there for us. We are so excited to be coming home we cant wait to see all our friends and family. Ciera, Hailee, Connery and Hunter are going crazy, Connery says we can live in a Motel for now and the others well they just don't care, they have missed everyone, as we have as well.
When we left a couple years ago we knew that it was time for us to leave and take a path of our own and find what we thought was missing and honestly it's kind of funny cause there wasn't anything missing, it was all right here in front of us the whole time all 4 of them right there. Our children are our lives and our marriage is what keeps us going. I love my husband and his strengths that he shows each day and what he has given to us by standing by us each day and doing his part to be a great man, husband and father (Just as our Heavenly Father would do).
I will miss the friends that I have made here in Las Vegas and wish I could take you all. You have all shown us just how much we can have and what we are worth. I will miss those smiling faces each week and we will miss your kindness and love but know that no matter where we are or you are we will always be close, Thank goodness for computers, huh.
Joey, Tom, Tyler and Sophie I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and will is you each day that I don't get to hold you and see you grow or call you just to swim or go to lunch or just bar-b-cue. You have been my sister since I can remember and for that my love I love you and will miss you dearly.
My Dear Sara, I love you with all my heart and I am grateful for your words of wisdom and look forward to years of a friendship that I will always be grateful for.
Heather, You are a strong and fearless woman and all though we don't talk all that much (only because we didn't get the chance) I want you to know I love you.
I am looking forward to the next 60 yrs and eternal life with my family and I cant wait to see my Mom and family and hold them again.
I am here to testify that he lives and I love him so much. Father in Heaven THANK YOU for what I been blessed with, you are my hero.
"Lot's to think about not much to worry about"

Were Coming Home!!!

Hey everyone, guess what were coming home!!!

Yes, I know you have all missed us all and weve missed you so well see you soon. LOL

We are looking for a house in Saratoga Springs or Eagle Mountain so if you know of any let us know. We will have more details for everyone later but, for now keep us in your prayers that all will fall in place and that we will get there soon.

We love you all

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to check in and say all is well and we are doing great. It's Connerys Birthday today and I can hardly believe that my baby is turning 9. I almost had to cry this morning, OK OK OK you caught me. I DID CRY BOO HOO. Connery has turned into such a wonderful young man and I love him so much we are so lucky to have him for a son and want him to know that he is a shinning star in our lives and his families. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CONNERY.

Love your family

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I love this saying and only pray that Ciera will understand it all someday till then all we can do is just LOVE her unconditionally and never look down on her. I love you Honey.
There isn't a child who hasn't gone out into the brave new world who eventually doesn't return to the old homestead carrying a bundle of dirty clothes. ~Art Buchwald

Pinewood Derby

As you all know there are times in our lives when Dad and Son are not to be disturbed and one of these times are when the Pinewood Derby comes to town. For those who arent familiar with the Pinewood it is a racing event for Cub Scouts, with the help of parents, build their own cars from wood, usually from kits containing a block of pine, plastic wheels and metal axles.
I don't think that I have ever seen two kids so excited about a little car race
(yes, I said a little car race. I was put in my place).
Mont and Connery had been working on the cars for a week yes, cars. Mont had helped Connery sanded it with his dremal and Connery helped Dad spray paint it and with Moms finger nail paints and some nascar stickers it was all about Mont and Connery. They did a wonderful job and just as Mont was putting the last tire on the split.
Connery was crushed and Daddy was so upset, but no fear Dad told Connery to run down to our friends and get another piece of wood, with only a couple hours and the car having to be turned in by 9:00 AM the next morning to weight in Connery and Mont were able to pull off an amazing car that not only made them closer in being Father and Son but, Connery won 1st Place yes, First.
Way to go Connery and fast working Dad. You guys did great and Moms proud of you.
Pinewood Derby 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Houts

To our friends the Houts,

We love you and want you to know that you are in our prayers today.

Hello There,

Ok call me crazy for being up at 1:00 in the morning.
I wanted to update our friends and family. Allthough this move has been hard for us, leaving our ward and moving across town, we have meet some some really neat people and have made some great new friends.
I am touched each day knowing that I have such amazing friends from those in Utah to those here and the ones that I have had for years. Mont and I want you all to know how much we love you and cherish each of your friendships. We are working hard everyday to make our place in this world and know that the lord has put here for a reason. Many times we question why he does what he does and I have come to believe that we should never question just know that he has a reason and its because he loves us. We love you all and I promise I will get better at this blogging.

Love you all

Monday, February 16, 2009

While we were having a wonderful day at the skate park here in sunny Las Vegas for our Valentines day, our dare devil hunter decided to take a ride down the hill. While he was doing awsome as he came by Mont and I he tried to do what his brother did and go over a hill that well lets say took over. Hunter did a complete face plant over the handle bars and so it was we ended up in the ER. Hunter is doing much better and the swelling has gone down and we are grateful that we didnt have to have stitches or somrthing worse, but we are definatly going to buy him a full face helmet now.
Note: We were all wearing our helmets.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

All is good

Hello family and friends,

I know that I havent been on the site for a bit but I wanted you all to know we love you I will be doing updates this next week for you all to see. Till then I love you all.

Carla and family

Our Day at the ZOO!!!

Ok, so we decided to go the ZOO and have a fun day. The kids had been asking to go the ZOO cause the ZOO in Vegas
(If thats what you call it HA HA) is not a place to take kids at all. We left early afternoon and went right for the back of the ZOO to see the Baby Giraffe and the kids were just loving it. They loved watching the animals and taking pictures of them. The best part of the day was when we rode the train and the conductor says over the intercom"Go ahead and feel free to make some noise as we go through the tunnel" and all the kids started to howl and then all of a sudden Mont just yells at the top of his lungs and everyone jumps and looks around and we all started to laugh. Oh yeah, and I got him to smile. That was way cool too. This was good day.

I just want a drink!!!

I just want a drink!!!
Hunter Hardcastle

What a bunch of monkeys!

What a bunch of monkeys!
Hardcastles at the ZOO

OH Yeah!!! I got him to smile

OH Yeah!!! I got him to smile
My baby and me

The kids loved this picture.

The kids loved this picture.
A Giraffe that can pick his own nose


This took a week.

Oh the Pain

Oh the Pain
Connery and Dads first attempt


Bow Chick a Wow Wow!!!!

Its a winner!!!

Its a winner!!!

Connery Won the Pinewood Derby

Connery Won the Pinewood Derby
Thats a boy!!!!

He is so happy

He is so happy
Dad and Connery worked so hard

Team Players

Team Players
I am so proud of them look at those smiles!!!!

They get so big so fast

They get so big so fast
Time to let her go and spread her wings

That is a "Oh just wait mom"

That is a "Oh just wait mom"
I am just like big sis, watch me close

Man of the house

Man of the house
He takes good care of his momma

I am growing up mom

I am growing up mom
Can't you tell.