Monday, November 2, 2009

Working on Life

Ok so I have been very very very bad at writting on our blog and keeping everbody updated....ssssooooo here we go.....Ciera moved back to Las Vegas for a short period of time and allthough she loved it there she took a turn in her life that brought her back home to the arms of Mom....Yes, everything is ok. Hailee is doing great and has SAS like you wouldnt believe. it's actually quite funny if you ask me, she like Andrew right now a boy in her class that if you ask her is the cutest guy in the world, she wants to wear high heels and make up....yes, we are watching her close as far as school though she is hitting the books and doing a wonderful job...A's and B's....and missing Las Vegas. Connery is doing great with school and loving our house that we are renting its on 1 acre and has forts, woods and rivers everywhere...a boys true dream, Connery is like a little man always taking care of mom and always watching out for his family. Hunter is feeling a bit blue lately but hangin in there he has been a bit under the weather....he loves his legos and loves school. He is happy about being in school all day instead of just half days. Then theres mont and I we are doing much better and want to thank all our friends and family for all your support and kindness we are so grateful for all of you...Well I promise I am going to try to get better at this and do more but for now, We are the HARDCASTLES and our lives will always be an adventure.

Our Day at the ZOO!!!

Ok, so we decided to go the ZOO and have a fun day. The kids had been asking to go the ZOO cause the ZOO in Vegas
(If thats what you call it HA HA) is not a place to take kids at all. We left early afternoon and went right for the back of the ZOO to see the Baby Giraffe and the kids were just loving it. They loved watching the animals and taking pictures of them. The best part of the day was when we rode the train and the conductor says over the intercom"Go ahead and feel free to make some noise as we go through the tunnel" and all the kids started to howl and then all of a sudden Mont just yells at the top of his lungs and everyone jumps and looks around and we all started to laugh. Oh yeah, and I got him to smile. That was way cool too. This was good day.

I just want a drink!!!

I just want a drink!!!
Hunter Hardcastle

What a bunch of monkeys!

What a bunch of monkeys!
Hardcastles at the ZOO

OH Yeah!!! I got him to smile

OH Yeah!!! I got him to smile
My baby and me

The kids loved this picture.

The kids loved this picture.
A Giraffe that can pick his own nose


This took a week.

Oh the Pain

Oh the Pain
Connery and Dads first attempt


Bow Chick a Wow Wow!!!!

Its a winner!!!

Its a winner!!!

Connery Won the Pinewood Derby

Connery Won the Pinewood Derby
Thats a boy!!!!

He is so happy

He is so happy
Dad and Connery worked so hard

Team Players

Team Players
I am so proud of them look at those smiles!!!!

They get so big so fast

They get so big so fast
Time to let her go and spread her wings

That is a "Oh just wait mom"

That is a "Oh just wait mom"
I am just like big sis, watch me close

Man of the house

Man of the house
He takes good care of his momma

I am growing up mom

I am growing up mom
Can't you tell.