Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,
This has been quit a year for the Hardcastle family and we wanted to share it with you.
Well, we are now in Las Vegas and in hopes that this will be our last and final move things are starting to look up here for us here and we are all so happy its great to be in a place that’s warm. We have a great support system here with our ward. They are all so friendly and kind and we have made friends with most of them. Joey lives just around the corner from us so its nice be able to be close to her. Our families like to do a lot together and sometimes its just nice to go out as adults and have dinner. (Joey is my friend I grew up with). We, were recently asked to take care of our military families in our ward as a calling and it has been amazing we are so fortunate to be able to help others in need especially since we know a lot of what they are going through and need. It’s been a great calling for both of us.
Mont has started a Maintenance business similar to what we had in Utah and its doing well. He works with banks and realtors on making their properties look good so that they can sell faster. He also does residential and commercial. Mont is no longer in the National Guard and is doing well he is working really hard just being a Dad and a Husband and I must say he’s doing wonderful.
I am doing great being Mom and a Wife. I have had some back problems and I think that we are the road to getting it taken care of. I have some great doctors and neurologists that are awesome. I like helping our families in our ward and doing things at the school for the kids. I help Mont with his business and when the kids get home we always find something to do constructive.
Right now our lives seem to revolving around our kids and just being content in our home and with our lives and it’s a good feeling (for those that know us well you know what we mean).
Ciera Jade is doing well so well that I get to brag a bit. She is a Tech SGT in her JROTC and is holding an A and B average. Ciera has made a full recovery. She is so wonderful I love it. She just went to Homecoming and had tons of fun. Cieras schedule is full of ROTC and school she leaves at 5:00 AM to get to seminary and 3 times a week we don’t even see her till 4:00 PM. Cieras goal is to enlist in the Air force after graduation. Ciera is also on the drill team for the ROTC and just tried out for the armed drill. SHE MADE ITJ . We are so proud of Ciera and her progress and love the bragging rights that we have as parents. Ciera is an amazing young lady and is doing great.
Hailee Bernice Hardcastle is our handful. This little girl is so one minute to the next its crazy. Hailees life consist of emailing Faith everyday and checking her emails, hanging out (because we are so over the word playing J ) with her friends Britten, and Abby and trying to stay away from Giovanni who likes her. (While writing I have just been informed that Giovanni is changing his name to Bubba). Hailees favorite subjects in school are reading and math. She is in the honor choir and loves to sing. She will sit for hours and write her own songs and them come and perform for us.
Hailee is a handful but we are so grateful that she here with us. We have recently had another MRI done and were informed that there are no signs of the mass that was found a couple years ago and that the medication worked. However her Peanut allergy has gotten worse and she is now airborne so we have to be more careful then ever. We thank our heavenly father each and every day that she is here with us.
Connery Aaron is doing great. We are working with him on his ability to make sure that homework gets from school to home. He’s favorite subject are writing and math. He is so talented at math and picks it up so easy its really amazing to watch him as he does his work. He likes to ride his bike outside and do stunts. We had to buy him a full face helmet because we are afraid that he going to fall one day and we want him to be safe. Good thing we have 2 orthopedic surgeons right next door huh. J He will ride his bike standing on top of it going down the street with only one leg. Connery loves to antagonize his brother and play games on the x-box and his Nintendo DS. Connery also loves the military still and likes to be like Daddy his hero. Connery is a great young man and loves his family so much. It shows every time he helps.
Hunter Clinton is our knight in shinning armor our love bug our little man. This little guy can do no wrong he listens, he loves, he is so kind and so sweet that even the other kids get mad when someone is mad at Buddaman. Hunter took kindergarten another year, as we felt it would best for him it took me while to get use to the idea but, Mont made some really good points and I was all over it. He is doing so well though he is in the top of his class and thinks that since this is his second year he has more say then anyone else. He loves to play video games and watch dirty jobs with Mike Rowe. Hunter also loves to watch anything that is educational about trains and construction. He is very knowledgeable in that department. Hunter still will only let Grandma H cut his hair.
We have 2 new additions to our family this year Mili and Roxy our kittens.
They are doing well so far and the kids love them like there is no tomorrow.
Mont and I would like you all to know that receive this letter that we love you and are thankful for your support and love that you have given to us in the last couple years we know that at times it has been rough and we didn’t know where things were going but, if it wasn’t for our family and friends and the faith that you all have had in us we wouldn’t have made to this far.
Our believes and faith in each other and church have grown so much this year and we are stronger now then we ever were before. We have had some really long days and really long months and are thankful that things are coming to an end. We love you all so much and know how important family and friends are. We would like to you all to share in our joy and happiness that we have within our family.
We miss you all dearly and will see you all through out the year to come.
From our family to yours
Merry Christmas Happy New Year and may God bless you all.
Mont, Carla, Ciera, Hailee, Connery, and Hunter Hardcastle

Our Day at the ZOO!!!

Ok, so we decided to go the ZOO and have a fun day. The kids had been asking to go the ZOO cause the ZOO in Vegas
(If thats what you call it HA HA) is not a place to take kids at all. We left early afternoon and went right for the back of the ZOO to see the Baby Giraffe and the kids were just loving it. They loved watching the animals and taking pictures of them. The best part of the day was when we rode the train and the conductor says over the intercom"Go ahead and feel free to make some noise as we go through the tunnel" and all the kids started to howl and then all of a sudden Mont just yells at the top of his lungs and everyone jumps and looks around and we all started to laugh. Oh yeah, and I got him to smile. That was way cool too. This was good day.

I just want a drink!!!

I just want a drink!!!
Hunter Hardcastle

What a bunch of monkeys!

What a bunch of monkeys!
Hardcastles at the ZOO

OH Yeah!!! I got him to smile

OH Yeah!!! I got him to smile
My baby and me

The kids loved this picture.

The kids loved this picture.
A Giraffe that can pick his own nose


This took a week.

Oh the Pain

Oh the Pain
Connery and Dads first attempt


Bow Chick a Wow Wow!!!!

Its a winner!!!

Its a winner!!!

Connery Won the Pinewood Derby

Connery Won the Pinewood Derby
Thats a boy!!!!

He is so happy

He is so happy
Dad and Connery worked so hard

Team Players

Team Players
I am so proud of them look at those smiles!!!!

They get so big so fast

They get so big so fast
Time to let her go and spread her wings

That is a "Oh just wait mom"

That is a "Oh just wait mom"
I am just like big sis, watch me close

Man of the house

Man of the house
He takes good care of his momma

I am growing up mom

I am growing up mom
Can't you tell.